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Digital Identity Programme - Event Series 2023

techUK are again extending the Digital Identity Event Series into 2023 exploring the use of digital identity technologies, what more needs to be done to drive adoption, and the role that digital ID can play in the future of the UK digital economy. We will be joined by leading players from the digital industry, government, customers of digital identity and sector-specific experts.

The programme of events, both upcoming and past (including from the 2021/22 series), can be viewed below, but keep your eyes peeled for more throughout the year as more will be added in line with technological and regulatory developments in the ecosystem. And you can have your say and join the conversation by using the hashtag #DigitalID2023 on social media!

Upcoming Events

Digital Identity Week 2023 Digital Identity Week 2023

Join us for techUK's Digital Identity Week  13 - 17 November 2023. Throughout #DigitalIDWeek, thought leadership pieces from our members will demonstrate how digital identity technologies are having an effect across five key sectors: healthcare, government, financial services, travel & transport and retail & Commerce.

Diversity & Inclusion in Digital Identity webinar - 13 November 2023 Diversity & Inclusion in Digital Identity webinar - 13 November 2023

Tuesday Nov 13 10:00 - 11:00

During this one-hour webinar panellists will discuss why diversity and inclusion in digital identity really matters, highlighting real-life examples of where consideration for D&I has helped to improve products and services. 

Digital Identity in the Travel and Transport Sector webinar - 16 November 2023 Digital Identity in the Travel and Transport Sector webinar - 16 November 2023

Thursday 16 November, 10:00 -11:00

As part of techUK’s Digital Identity Week, we will be hosting a one-hour webinar specifically on digital identity in the travel and transport sector.  

Digital ID - Podcast - 2nd November 2023 Digital ID - Podcast - 2nd November 2023

Guests and furtheer details announced soon.


Past events

Fraud Prevention in Digital ID - 20th July 2023

techUK recently hosted a webinar on fraud prevention in digital ID with a particular focus on Project Shield. The event was opened by Katherine Holden, the Head of Digital ID, Data Analytics & AI at techUK, who welcomed the speakers Chris Lewis, Head of Solutions at Synectics Solutions, Gareth Narinesingh, Head of Digital Identity at Mitek Systems, and John Abbot, Chief Commercial Officer at Yoti. The event featured an in-depth discussion about Project Shield, a groundbreaking initiative spearheaded by Mitek Systems, Yoti, and Synectics Solutions to tackle digital identity fraud. The project's overarching goal is to create a robust defence mechanism against identity fraud by establishing a collaborative ecosystem of certified identity providers that share intelligence on potential threats.

Read the event round-up and watch the webinar here

Digital ID in the Finance Sector - 9th March 2023

Join us to hear Jennifer Jiang at JP Morgan Chase, Seema Khinda Johnson from Nuggets, Lewis Cannon from Oliver Wyman and the Vice-Chair of techUK's Digital ID Working Group and Market Director at OneID, Adrian Field discuss and debate the critical role of Digital ID in their sector and how industry and government can best work together to develop the trusted, secure and efficient digital identity ecosystem that a thriving digital economy demands. We will look at the potential role of the Finance Sector in the development the UK Digital ID Ecosystem, what needs to happen to ensure public trust in the ecosystem and - given the global reach of our panel guest's businesses - what the UK might learn from other jurisdictions around the world. If digital identity in the finance sector is your business, this is a must-watch.

Watch the webinar here

Digital ID in the Finance Sector - 27th October 2022

Digital ID in the Finance Sector is the latest webinar in our Digital ID Event Series for 2022 happening at 11:00 UK on the 27th October 2022 where you can hear from Finance Sector luminaries Marie Austenaa - Head of Digital Identity at VISA, Phillip Mind - Director of Digital Technology & Innovation at UK Finance, Ryan Gosling - Commercial Director at Callsign and Neil Downing - VP of Products at TMT Analysis discuss and debate the critical role of Digital ID in their sector and how industry and government can best work together to develop the trusted, secure and efficient digital identity ecosystem that a thriving digital economy demands. We will look at the role of the Finance Sector in the UK Digital ID Ecosystem, discuss the changes in the Beta version of the UK Digital Identity & Attributes Trust Framework, what needs to happen to ensure public trust in the ecosystem and - given the global reach of our panel guest's businesses - what the UK might learn from other jurisdictions around the world.

Watch the webinar here

Inclusion & Diversity in Digital ID - 9th June 2022

On Thursday 9th June 2022 our panel of experts joined to discuss the importance of inclusion by design in areas like product development, how best industry can support those in positions of power within the industry to make the right choices on D&I and how both industry and government can work together to ensure that relevant regulation and industry best-practise accurately reflects the needs of everyone in society and not just the majority.

Watch the webinar here.

Digital Identity in the Travel and Tourism Sector - 24 March 2022

Join us as we discuss how digital identity technologies can transform travel and tourism and enable these sectors to bounce back from the impact of the pandemic. Our panel will explore how digital identity is and can be used in the travel sector, the opportunities and challenges in the UK and beyond, and what more needs to be done to realise the full benefits of digital identity for travel and tourism. Speakers include Andrew Bud, CEO, iProov; Gillian Jones, Senior Business Development Manager, Condatis, and DIF Travel & Hospitality Special Interest Group Co-Chair; and Jim Robinson, Managing Director, Pegasus Aviation Advisors.

Watch it here

Digital ID and Distributed Ledger Technologies: Opportunities and Challenges - 3rd February 2022

In collaboration with techUK's Blockchain Reimagined campaign. Join us as we unpack how distributed ledger and digital identity technology can work together, the potential opportunities these technologies can provide for government, businesses and users, as well as the significant challenges that must be addressed for the benefits of these combined technologies to be recognised. Speakers: Shiv Aggarwal, CEO, Earth ID and European Lead, Government Blockchain Association; Genevieve Leveille, Principal Founder and CEO, AgriLedger; Aman Kohli, CTO, DXC Technology; Paco Garcia, CTO, Yoti

Watch it here

Digital Identity Event Series 2021

Catch up with all of the views and insights from our 2021 iteration of the Digital Identity Event Series, including sessions looking at the state-of-play for digital ID in the UK and on fraud prevention, as well as a podcast looking ahead to 2022.

Catch up here


For more information please contact: 



Cyber Innovation Den | 24 September deadline

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Want to be techUK's Cyber Innovator of the Year?

Apply by Tuesday, 24 September or join us to watch SMEs and start-ups pitch their innovations to expert judges - book your spot now!