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techUK Code of Practice

techUK members including their representatives agree to comply with the following code of conduct.  Any attendees at techUK meetings or events, visiting our premises or representing techUK in any capacity, they will uphold techUK’s values of:

  • Respect:  for each other, our work and our stakeholders
  • Courage:  when embracing change and transformation
  • Integrity:  honest and genuine through our approach
  • Generosity:  in sharing time and knowledge and celebrating great work
  • Pride:  in our industry and how we represent it

In addition, members and attendees of techUK events agree to:

Conduct business ethically

  • Provide clear and precise agreements for the supply of products and services and honour them.
  • Honestly represent the functionality of their products and employees’ and contractors’ skills, experience and status.
  • Offer to customers only those people, products and services for which they have appropriate rights and capabilities.

Respect confidential information

  • The normal business of techUK will not be based on confidential information but in the event that it is appropriate for confidential information to be needed or useful for such business then members must respect such confidentiality.

Represent techUK transparently

  • Act in the interest of the whole membership that is represented, not seeking individual advantage when interacting with stakeholders on behalf of techUK.
  • Engage with the wider membership through techUK staff ahead of planned meetings with stakeholders and communicate the outcomes back to the wider membership through techUK-managed member engagement channels.

Be good corporate citizens

  • Promote the effective use of technology as an instrument for better outcomes for people, society, the economy and the planet.
  • Always act in a proper and respectful manner when working with customers, employees, other companies, techUK staff and the public.
  • Avoid disparaging customers, employees, other companies including their products or services, techUK staff and the public.  

Respect others

  • Ensure that your organisation and employees act in a professional, appropriate and lawful manner while participating in all techUK activities. Behaviour or communications in verbal, written or physical form that techUK determines is inappropriate, including but not limited to discrimination, threats, violence, harassment and any unwanted conduct of a sexual nature, is unacceptable. techUK will expect that the member company or stakeholder organisation addresses it directly with the individual and techUK reserves the right to refuse to allow the individual concerned to take part in future techUK activities or to revoke the company’s membership if we do not believe appropriate action has been taken to address it.

Comply with the Code

  • Ensure that employees and contractors comply with the Code, behave professionally and provide a high standard of service to customers.
  • In accordance with the articles, continued compliance with this is a condition of attending techUK events or offices and the company remaining a member or affiliate of techUK.  Members whose staff are found to be in breach of the Code of Practice may have their membership suspended or terminated.

Please click here to download a PDF of the techUK Code of Practice.


Cyber Innovation Den | 24 September deadline

Cyber Security Dinner and Innovation Den 2024.jpg


Want to be techUK's Cyber Innovator of the Year?

Apply by Tuesday, 24 September or join us to watch SMEs and start-ups pitch their innovations to expert judges - book your spot now!