Help to Grow: UK Government to subsidise management training for SMEs (Guest blog by BEIS Communications)
This week (24-28 October) techUK is running its Nations and Regions Week to coincide with the publication of our 2022 Local Digital Capital Index, a tool designed to aid discussions and decisions in strengthening local tech ecosystems across the UK.
All week we'll be featuring guest blogs from members celebrating the contributions made by the tech sector to drive forward levelling up, digital adoption, develop digital skills, connect people, and harness R&D in the UK’s nations and regions
Read the latest blog below:
Tech SMEs welcome new government-backed training to help small businesses thrive as the UK builds back better
Business leaders can reach their full potential with new government-backed training designed to help them thrive again as the UK builds back better.
The Help to Grow: Management course is aimed at small and medium-sized businesses in the UK that employ between 5 and 249 employees. It is run by expert facilitators from leading business schools across the UK that have been accredited by the Small Business Charter.
Chris Durham, Managing Director at Wireless Alert Solutions, which sells fire alarm solutions for deaf and hard of hearing people in Leicestershire, has welcomed the Help to Grow: Management course now being delivered by leading business schools, encouraging fellow business leaders to sign up. Chris signed up to the course at Leicester Castle Business School, as he wanted to understand the move from a small two-person consultancy into new employment and growth.
Chris said: “My mentor was excellent and very well placed to work alongside me - They don't preach, they teach. The strategies for change and change management, tech innovation, market segmentation, values, culture and approach were all very helpful and the variety in the face-to-face sessions and my peer group have unearthed lots of thought-provoking work.”
Thanks to suggestions from Chris’s mentor, the company is now looking at adopting a customer portal, which would offer customers a powerful one-stop shop, look to embed further development potential on product lines and offer a new continuous revenue stream.
Neeraj Pancholi, CFO at Synergy Logistics, also found the course useful.
“The course enabled me to 'join the dots' across the various functions within the business and have a better understanding of cause and effect. I had the opportunity to network with other attendees from different businesses and sectors to share ideas and business experiences” he said.
Synergy Logistics is a software company that helps business wanting to automate and enhance the efficiency of their warehouse operations.
The course is worth £7,110 per participant but is 90% subsidised by the government, meaning business leaders pay just £750 for tailored, high-quality business training.
Business leaders can benefit from 50 hours of in-depth training and one-to-one business mentoring, giving them the opportunity to grow their business fast. They can take part around existing work commitments and access learning through a blend of online and face-to-face sessions.
The course covers financial management, strategies for growth and innovation, digital adoption and responsible business practices. It features inspirational business leaders and the opportunity to learn alongside local peers, with access to a national alumni network. Throughout the course, business leaders develop a realistic and valuable Growth Action Plan that is tailored to the challenges they face.
Anne Kiem OBE, Executive Director, Small Business Charter and Chief Executive, Chartered Association of Business Schools, said: “The business schools delivering this course have a fantastic track record, supporting many thousands of business leaders to grow their small and medium sized businesses. Help to Grow: Management is a unique opportunity to access world-leading support to work for your business without taking too much time out of your business.”
To find out more about Help to Grow: Management and to register for a course near you visit
You can also find more information in the techUK event round-up for SME Online forum – Help to Grow: Management (members only) here
You can watch the videos below to learn more about the value brought by this course: – Ben Anderson, Founder of AddQual, provider of inspection services and digital processes for the aerospace industry. – Paul McConaghie, Operation and Quality Manager at Peak NDT, Ultrasonic Instrumentation Developer – Keith Cox, Director and Co-Founder of Bloc Digital, creator of 3D visualisation and immersive technology solutions. – Lauren Davie, Operations Manager of Logoshack Digital, a graphic design company specialising in self-adhesive graphics and signage. – Tim Telford, Co-founder of Devtank, Hardware and Software solutions. This video is joint one with Tim’s mentor, Vince.
You can access further case studies below: - Karim Samani, Tech Disinfect, on adopting CRM software – Darren Crannis, Crannis Tech Services on adopting accountancy software.
techUK – Building Stronger Local Economies
techUK champions the tech sector throughout the UK. We work with local authorities, devolved government, and local and national policy makers to advocate for the tech sector in strengthening economic growth and resilience. We provide opportunities for our members and local stakeholders to meet, build relationships, and collaborate to drive forward local projects. For more information or to get in touch, please visit our Nations and Regions Hub and click ‘contact us’.