11 Sep 2023

Building the Smarter State Week 2023 #techUKSmarterState

This week (11-15 September) we are running our Building Smarter State Week in the run-up to the ninth edition of our flagship public services conference, Building the Smarter State.

From 11 – 15 September techUK is running our annual Building the Smarter State Week in the run-up to the ninth edition of our flagship public services conference, Building the Smarter State, on Wednesday 27 September.

This week, through blogs and case studies we want members and stakeholders to explore the innovation and impact within the smarter state. Each day has been assigned a different theme and we will be discovering how technologies of today and tomorrow are transforming some of the most pressing challenges our society and public sector organisations face such as Legacy IT and Skills.

The themes for this week are as follows:

Innovation: The impact of innovation within the smarter state and how it can solve some of the most pressing challenges and transform outcomes.


Emerging technologies: The role of emerging technologies in making the UK a Science & Technology superpower by 2030.


Legacy IT: How can we reframe this old technological infrastructure and future-proof services for the digital age?


Data: What does a data-driven smarter state look like and how can we achieve it?

Data: What does a data-driven smarter state look like and how can we achieve it?


Skills: How can we bridge the digital skills gap? Which is essential if we are to sustain and deliver services in a Smarter State.


If you would like to attend the Building the Smarter State Conference you can read more about it and book tickets here.

You can also follow the campaign on techUK's Twitter and LinkedIn - #techUKSmarterState. 

Heather Cover-Kus

Heather Cover-Kus

Head of Central Government Programme, techUK

Ellie Huckle

Ellie Huckle

Programme Manager, Central Government, techUK

Annie Collings

Annie Collings

Programme Manager, Cyber Resilience, techUK

Ella Gago-Brookes

Ella Gago-Brookes

Junior Programme Manager - Justice and Emergency Services, techUK