Call for Contributions! techUK Data Centres Programme - Early Careers and Apprenticeship Survey

UK operators struggle with both short-term and long-term skills shortages. The techUK Data Centres Programme Skills, Diversity & Inclusion Working Group is commissioning this survey under the remit of the Data Centres Council, to scope utilisation of the apprenticeship levy and experience of uptake in the sector and to identify areas for improvement.

We are very proud of this initiative of the Skills WG at techUK. For too long we have known that the recruitment and retention of suitable resource has not kept pace with the rapid growth of the data centre industry. We believe we need to act now to address this industry wide talent shortage and apprenticeships are key to doing that. Many techUK members are doing valuable work in this area and we hope to receive valuable insight from all the members and their supply chain to shape the work of this WG for the foreseeable future.

Stephen Whatling

Group CEO at Keysource and Co-Chair of the techUK Skills, Diversity & Inclusion Working Group

About the techUK Data Centres Skills WG

The aim of this group are to demonstrate that the data centre sector is a career destination of choice, facilitate professional development within the sector (in conjunction with the IET), tackle some of the policy and organisational barriers that are restricting the skills pipeline, and provide a forum for information exchange.  Members wishing to join or to signpost someone within their organisation can do so here.

About the Early Careers and Apprenticeship Survey:

  • The survey consists of 25 questions and should not take more than 15 minutes of your time.
  • Data will be treated confidentially in accordance with data protection regulations.
  • Please share this survey with your organisation's relevant HR manager/talent acquisition.
  • The focus of this survey is on techUK members and their supply chain in the UK only.
  • Only one response per organisation will be counted.
  • DEADLINE: COP Friday 13th September 2024

Access the survey here:

For further information, contact Luisa Cardani at [email protected]

Luisa C. Cardani

Luisa C. Cardani

Head of Data Centres Programme, techUK

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