18 Jan 2023

Event Round-up | Market Insight Briefing: Cyber Security Procurement in Central Government

A summary and the recording of this popular techUK webinar.

On Tuesday 17 January, techUK hosted an event to explore the cyber security market in Central Government. During the session, we heard from techUK members Stotles who presented some of the data and insights outlined in their recent report The £22b future of the UK’s cyber security which looked at opportunities for public sector suppliers in this space.

Setting the scene with an overview of the cyber security landscape and the opportunity in Central Government; Stotles' Dylan Keth touched upon topics such as the UK Government strategies instituted to improve the nation’s cyber security & their implications for suppliers; trends across Central Government buyers of cyber products and solutions; and how suppliers can create opportunities and potentially win contracts.

Attendees were then provided with an update from Crown Commercial Service’s Cyber Category Lead, Liban Aingal, who set out the key frameworks and DPSs such as Cyber Security Services 3, used by buyers for purchasing cyber services and tooling as well as some of the trends that CCS is seeing around cyber spend. Liban also highlighted the work that CCS is doing to help the public sector to increase cyber resilience through better procurement and the Cyber Category’s priorities for the next couple of years.  

Attendees then heard from two supplier members who spoke about their experiences ‘on the ground’ and their recommendations and advice for others navigating the cyber security procurement landscape in Central Government.

Richard Giblin, Public Sector Lead at SolarWinds, touched upon the importance of cyber security and collaboration between suppliers and other stakeholders in the event of a cyber incident; as well as the positives of partner networks and some insight on his organisation's routes to market. And Stuart Mckean, CEO of Nine23 and Chair of techUK’s Cyber Security SME Forum, reflected on his experience as an SME providing cyber solutions to government, and imparted some of his top tips for others looking to navigate the market.    

Packed full of useful insight and information, you can watch the full webinar here:

techUK Market Insight Briefing: Cyber Security Procurement in Central Government


To find out more about techUK's Cyber Security SME Forum, please contact Jill Broom, [email protected]

For more information on techUK's Cyber Security and Central Government Programmes, please reach out to a member of our team:

Jill Broom

Jill Broom

Head of Cyber Resilience, techUK

Heather Cover-Kus

Heather Cover-Kus

Head of Central Government Programme, techUK


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