02 Feb 2021

Get involved in techUK's Geospatial Data campaign week!

On 01-05 March techUK will be hosting our first ever Geospatial Data Campaign week, dedicated to envisioning the UK’s future powered by geospatial intelligence.

We are looking for member companies to submit 600 word insights for techUK’s geospatial data campaign week, covering one of the themes below. Please do reach out directly to get involved! 

Geospatial Data Logo.jpg


Between 01-05 March we will be bringing you news, views and insights from the technology sector on what geospatial means to the UK’s society and economy. We will be identifying, exploring and making the case for greater use of location-based intelligence (across both public and private sector); reviewing the role of the technology sector in driving this forward, and discussing potential challenges that may hold the UK’s back from barriers to the UK harnessing the power of geospatial – such as data access, skills, and public/private sector collaboration.

Whether you are interested in contributing your industry expertise to drive forward the UK’s geospatial future, or want to discover more about the opportunities of geospatial data, learn more about techUK’s campaign below!

We are looking for member companies to submit insights for techUK’s geospatial data campaign week on one of the themes below. Please do let us know if this is of interest!

What will techUK’s Geospatial Data Campaign week look like? 

Monday – What does geospatial Data mean for the tech sector?

We will kick-off techUK’s geospatial data campaign week by exploring the role the technology sector will play in pushing forward location-based intelligence in the UK. Geospatial data is already being widely used across different products and services. However, this campaign day will navigate how the technology sector can best utilize geospatial intelligence to enhance products and services. 

Tuesday – Data frameworks and ethics 

The Geospatial Commission highlighted access to data as one of their four key missions for their 2020-2025 strategy, with improved access to better location data and investing into quality of location data quality will accelerate adoption of geospatial technologies. On the second day of techUK’s Geospatial Data campaign, we will hear from the technology sector on how to improve access to data to increase adoption of Geospatial Data. 

Wednesday – Geospatial Data skills

On day three of the Geospatial Data Campaign Week, techUK will navigate what the future landscape of geospatial data skills will hold, and how we can effectively prepare the next generation of experts to have the necessary skillset to drive forward new and innovative use cases of Geospatial Data. We will address how to develop geospatial intelligence teams that can harness the quantitative skills in data management, and how to also understand the real-world impact of this data. Finally, we will look at opening access to Geospatial skills as part of a greater push towards digital skills of the future.

Thursday – Geospatial Data and building local communities: The case for place-based innovation

We are seeing a “place-based approach” to public service transformation and delivery starting to take root across local government services. Public services have been tirelessly working together with community groups, emergency services, industry partners and many others across the place to meet the needs of the most vulnerable especially during the global pandemic.

This day of the campaign week will explore the role of Geospatial intelligence to help solve common challenges and improve outcomes tailored to different communities. 

Friday – Geo4Good 

On the final day of techUK’s Geospatial Data campaign week, we will envision a future where geospatial data can be used for conservation, climate change, social justice and to empower people to better understand their communities.

We shall showcase the range of which geospatial intelligence can be used for the common good if the Geospatial Data ecosystem works together to drive innovation. We will also use the final day of the campaign week to explore the huge potential of new and innovative Geospatial technologies for a future driven by Geospatial intelligence.

If you would like to get involved in techUK’s Geospatial Data campaign week, please do reach out. 


Laura Foster

Laura Foster

Associate Director - Technology and Innovation, techUK

Laura is techUK’s Associate Director for Technology and Innovation.

She supports the application and expansion of emerging technologies, including Quantum Computing, High-Performance Computing, AR/VR/XR and Edge technologies, across the UK. As part of this, she works alongside techUK members and UK Government to champion long-term and sustainable innovation policy that will ensure the UK is a pioneer in science and technology

Before joining techUK, Laura worked internationally as a conference researcher and producer covering enterprise adoption of emerging technologies. This included being part of the strategic team at London Tech Week.

Laura has a degree in History (BA Hons) from Durham University, focussing on regional social history. Outside of work she loves reading, travelling and supporting rugby team St. Helens, where she is from.

[email protected]

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