17 Jul 2024
by Eric Zie

Guest blog: Introducing GoCodeGreen | Pioneering Sustainable ICT Practices

Guest blog by Eric Zie, Founder and CEO, GoCodeGreen.

The world urgently needs to mitigate climate change, and Information and Communications Technology (ICT) plays a crucial role in this effort. That’s why I founded GoCodeGreen. We are a UK-based SME, a trailblazer in measuring and helping organisations implement frameworks for sustainable ICT. GoCodeGreen is committed to assisting organisations in reducing their carbon footprint by utilising innovative technologies and strategic advice, thereby aligning ICT operations with wider environmental objectives. By focusing on decarbonisation, GoCodeGreen not only enhances corporate sustainability but also helps to lay the foundation for future sustainable digital growth.

The Challenges of ICT Decarbonisation

Decarbonising the ICT sector presents a complex set of challenges. One of the foremost issues is the lack of comprehensive, sustainable IT strategies among companies. According to the World Bank, the ICT sector’s greenhouse gas emissions are already twice that of the aviation industry, emphasising the significant impact this sector has on global emissions.

Many organisations still operate with outdated infrastructures that are energy-intensive and inefficient. By 2030, predictions indicate that ICT will consume over 20% of global energy and account for over 14% of total global carbon emissions. The rapid pace of technological advancements, including the meteoric rise of AI, fuels this, leading to increased energy use and electronic waste, further exacerbating environmental issues. Without a strategic approach to decarbonisation, these emissions are projected to rise, undermining global efforts to combat climate change.

A critical hurdle is the level of awareness and commitment across the corporate landscape. While there is growing recognition of the importance of sustainability, translating this into actionable strategies remains challenging. According to surveys, only 18% of organisations have a sustainable IT strategy. Companies often lack the expertise to identify and implement energy-efficient technologies, and the perceived high costs of transitioning to greener solutions can deter investment. This gap underscores the need for dedicated partners like GoCodeGreen, who can guide organisations through the complexities of sustainable ICT transformations with standards-based measurement, frameworks, and education.

The Importance of ICT to Organisational Net Zero Commitments

ICT is integral to achieving organisational net-zero commitments. Modern businesses rely heavily on ICT for their operations, from data management to communications and the digitalisation of their products and services for customers. According to Gartner, on average, technology-related emissions account for 30% of total emissions for service-based companies. You cannot achieve your net zero commitments without addressing your use of ICT.

Implementing sustainable ICT practices is not just about reducing carbon emissions; it is about embracing and fostering innovation, improving efficiency, and driving long-term value. Sustainable ICT can transform an organisation’s carbon footprint. Energy-efficient hardware, optimised software, and responsible data centre practices can lead to substantial reductions in energy consumption. Additionally, leveraging technologies such as cloud computing and virtualisation can minimise physical infrastructure needs, further decreasing environmental impact. For organisations committed to net-zero goals, integrating sustainable ICT is now a critical step to move in the right direction.

Sustainable ICT practices can also enhance an organisation’s reputation and competitiveness. Stakeholders, including investors, customers, and employees, are increasingly prioritising sustainability. According to a study by the Boston Consulting Group, ICT companies can help mitigate up to 15% of global emissions through innovative products and services. Companies that demonstrate a commitment to environmental responsibility are better positioned to attract investment, foster customer loyalty, and retain top talent. In this context, GoCodeGreen offers invaluable support, enabling organisations to accelerate meeting their net-zero commitments.

This is a call to action for UK technology

Addressing the sustainability of ICT operations presents a significant opportunity for organisations. By proactively adopting green ICT practices, companies can mitigate their environmental impact while also realising substantial economic benefits. Energy-efficient technologies often lead to cost savings through reduced energy bills and improved operational efficiencies. Additionally, early adopters of sustainable ICT can gain a competitive edge, positioning themselves as leaders in corporate responsibility and innovation.

The transition to sustainable ICT is not just a necessity; it is a strategic advantage. We can lead the change and showcase scaled action to create a sustainable foundation for future digital growth

Eric Zie, Founder and CEO


Organisations that act now can benefit from regulatory incentives, enhanced stakeholder trust, and the ability to shape industry standards. Moreover, the technological landscape is evolving rapidly, with continuous advancements in green technologies. By staying ahead of the curve, companies can ensure they are equipped to meet future challenges and capitalise on emerging opportunities.


In conclusion, the drive towards ICT decarbonisation is a crucial component of the broader sustainability movement. Companies like GoCodeGreen are at the forefront of this transition, offering the expertise and solutions needed to navigate this complex landscape. We are Earthshot Prize-nominated and now the recipients of the TechUK Planet Award. The mission to support organisations is being recognised and is now very real. By addressing the challenges of ICT decarbonisation today, organisations can secure a sustainable, prosperous future for themselves and the planet.

Eric Zie is a 2024 techUK President’s Award winner. He collected the Planet Award at the techUK Annual Dinner in July.

The techUK President’s Award is our opportunity to shine a spotlight on the amazing talent we have in the UK tech industry. Through each of four awards: People, Society, Economy, and Planet, we recognise the positive difference individuals from techUK member companies are making through their work with technology.

Eric is CEO and Founder of GoCodeGreen, a UK SME focused on measuring and identifying actions to reduce the carbon and environmental impact of digital products and services. Eric’s ambition is to decarbonise software and the technology value chain. GoCodeGreen’s work across the private and UK public sectors has identified opportunities to reduce carbon emissions, energy usage, and costs by between 27 and 43 percent. Eric is working with the ITU to engage less developed nations on their digital transformation pathways; with CodeClan and CodeBase to offer free training to 50 next-gen coders in the UK; and with the Retail Trust to demonstrate how green coding can benefit the UK retail sector. Eric has an outstanding passion for promoting sustainability in the digital sector.

Visit the GoCodeGreen website.

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Eric Zie

Eric Zie

Founder and CEO, GoCodeGreen

Eric Zie | LinkedIn