07 Apr 2023
by David Holman

Harnessing International Trade Opportunities | #techUKDigitalTrade

Armour Comms has been a keen advocate for techUK for several years now. Indeed our CTO Dr. Andy Lilly was recently appointed to the techUK Cyber Management Committee, as voted for by techUK company members, and Armour has appeared on behalf of techUK before a parliamentary select committee who were reviewing help given to SMEs on trade policy; #techUKDigitalTrade

As a supplier of UK Government and NATO approved solutions for secure communications including voice, video, messaging and data, we’ve always looked to sell our products to international governments, as well as defence contractors, organisations in regulated industries (such as finance) and security conscious enterprise/SMEs.

A major challenge is understanding how each new international market works and the nuances of different cultures.  We have found that working with such government organisations as the Department for International Trade (now part of the Department for Business and Trade – DBT) has helped us significantly. Their deeply embedded relationships with local businesses and government departments can make a huge difference to SMEs looking to expand into export markets.

One of the biggest benefits to Armour has been the expertise in how to do business in other countries. Joining DiT/DBT trade missions has provided Armour with many introductions to partners and customers over the years. A couple of examples of well run events spring to mind, one reception in San Francisco attracted 250 people, all with excellent top quality business credentials. Another time in the Middle East, a roundtable event with high ranking government officials helped us to secure a significant contract.

All this culminated in Armour Comms being awarded a prestigious Queen’s Award for Enterprise: International Trade 2021. The award was made for outstanding short term growth in overseas sales over the previous three years.

Earlier this year Armour Comms was ranked 17th in the Tech200, which is the top 200 fastest-growing technology companies in the public sector. The list, now in its second year,  is compiled by Tussell in association with techUK, and is based on data from Tussell’s market intelligence platform. 

Thanks to support from initiatives such as DiT/DBT and techUK, Armour Comms has consistently grown and expanded since its inception, with another successful year in 2022, which saw an increase in customer orders of 54%. 

For more information about Armour Comms please visit: https://www.armourcomms.com/

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