19 Oct 2023
by Mike Goodwin

Maximising business automation with Full Fibre connectivity: Empowering the UK's tech ecosystem

Guest blog by Mike Goodwin, CTO at ITS Technology Group #LocalDigitalIndex

Businesses across the UK are on the cusp of a technological revolution driven by innovative technology, but this revolution is contingent on the convergence of two powerful resources: full fibre business connectivity, and automation. Automation offers UK businesses limitless opportunities to streamline some of the most tedious processes, but this relies on having scalable, future-proof connectivity with the bandwidth to accommodate innovative technology. This blog explores the relationship between business automation, the necessity for reliable, scalable connectivity, and the subsequent opportunities for the UK's tech ecosystem.  

The Role of Full Fibre Connectivity in Automation 

Unlike traditional copper-based networks, full fibre connectivity offers the speed and reliability to transmit data at the speed of light. This offers ultra-low latency (ULL) for real-time applications and provides the bandwidth to feed data back to managed devices for real-time data analytics.

Without the speed and reliability that full fibre offers, the risk of downtime increases, which is detrimental to automated processes. Lost connections could mean a halt in manufacturing productions, a failed customer interaction or an inventory management error, which could be costly.

An Aberdeen Group UK study showed that downtime cost UK businesses an average of £138,000 an hour across several sectors. From damaged reputation to customer dissatisfaction, having the connectivity infrastructure to avoid downtime and support automated processes is not just a luxury; it's a strategic necessity.

Automation and Business Implications 

Automating time-consuming processes isn't just about taking regional tech sectors into the next generation of digital-first commerce; it's about reaping the benefits that help propel businesses toward their strategic goals. With minimal human intervention in the most time-consuming tasks, businesses can tap into unprecedented productivity levels. Here are some other far-reaching benefits that support regional tech sectors:

Efficiency and Cost Reduction 

Task automation reduces the need for manual labour and repetitive tasks like data entry, analysis, inventory management and resource allocation. According to data analytics company ABBYY, UK employees waste more than 40 working days per year on tasks that technology could power. This loss of time feeds into lost revenue, so it's imperative for UK businesses to arm themselves with the infrastructure to support automation technology to make the best use of their time.


Reducing the margin for error is a priority in any company that values quality, and one of the biggest opportunities for regional tech sectors to process data at light speeds while maintaining accurate results is automation. However, this is when having reliable connectivity infrastructure is essential. For example, real-time data analytics need strong, round-the-clock connectivity to generate reports automatically. Any connection drop-outs will lead to lost data, inaccurate time-frame measurements and more. Therefore, it's within a business' interest to ensure robust, scalable connectivity before implementing the automated data analysis processes that help influence crucial strategic decisions.

Full Fibre, Automation and Regional Tech Sectors 

Regional tech sectors can reap significant advantages by adopting the full fibre infrastructure needed for faster, more accurate automation methods. These include:

  • Job and economic growth through inward investment: From roles to maintain automated systems to making regional tech systems more attractive to investors, having the infrastructure to accommodate technologies of tomorrow like automation is a true asset. 
  • Competitive advantage: Automation enables regional tech sectors to punch above their weight and compete on the world stage. However, this relies on having the backbone to support high-speed data transfer and global communication of important data. Full fibre provides the tools to make regional tech-savvy businesses key global players, offering real-time collaboration and communication opportunities via digital mediums. 
  • Empowering small and medium-sized enterprises: Accessing the infrastructure needed for automation is a key part of supporting regional tech systems. Full fibre connectivity democratises cutting-edge technologies like automation, allowing them to compete with industry monoliths and diversify the tech ecosystem. 
  • Future-proofed infrastructure: Regional tech systems can only benefit from the powers of automation if their network is built to accommodate its growth. Full fibre connectivity can provide up to 10Gbps bandwidth – perfect for the expansion of automated processes across businesses. That means businesses can prepare themselves for the evolution of automation with full fibre connectivity. 

Full Fibre Connectivity as the Enabler of Innovation 

The synergy between full fibre connectivity and automation in business offers regional tech sectors in the UK an immense amount of opportunity. It empowers businesses to operate more efficiently and contributes to a more digitally confident future that embraces innovation. As businesses embark on a transformative journey with automation, full fibre becomes a strategic imperative.

techUK’s Local Digital Index Campaign Week #LocalDigitalIndex

techUK’s Local Digital Index Campaign Week #LocalDigitalIndex

The Nations and Regions team are delighted to be hosting our annual Local Digital Index Campaign Week between 16-20 October.

Click here to read all the insights

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Click on the image to download the report.


techUK – Building Stronger Local Economies 


techUK champions the tech sector throughout the UK. We work with local authorities, devolved government, and local and national policy makers to advocate for the tech sector in strengthening economic growth and resilience. We provide opportunities for our members and local stakeholders to meet, build relationships, and collaborate to drive forward local projects. For more information or to get in touch, please visit our Nations and Regions Hub and click ‘contact us’. 

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Mike Goodwin

Mike Goodwin

CTO , ITS Technology Group