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Methods Analytics: Innovation brings efficiency in public sector delivery

Guest blog by Martine Clark, Director of Sector Strategy at Methods Analytics. As part of the Digital Transformation In the Public Sector Week. #techUKDigitalPS

We’ve written before about the challenges facing data leaders in the public sector as they continue to deliver through increasingly difficult times. As budgets tighten and civil service headcounts drop, compounded by the present data skills shortage across the sector, improving the efficiency of procurement and delivery will be essential. Data leaders and suppliers alike must be on board with re-thinking the way we work together if we want to provide user-focused digital services to the public and deliver accurate data-enabled insight to decision-makers throughout the public sector.   

In difficult times, the temptation is to abandon strategic investments and longer-term planning in favour of short-term tactical savings. All very understandable, but also all very expensive, and deeply inefficient, in the longer term. If the government is serious about delivering first rate public services while reducing its overall cost base, it must look more strategically at how it makes decisions and works with its suppliers.  

On that note, the cross-cutting priorities detailed in the newly published DDaT (Digital, Data and Technology) Playbook are extremely encouraging. We couldn’t agree more with their opening statement on innovation: “Innovation is not an end, but a means through which we achieve better outcomes. This is led by user needs…”  

We know that delivering lasting change starts with a deep understanding of the end users. This understanding is something the civil service has in abundance, even if it isn’t always able to get it from the front-line staff engaging with the public, to the DDaT teams designing new services. This has improved exponentially over the past decade through the relentless push on user-focused design from the GDS (Government Digital Service) and champions across government – but is all too easy for DDaT technical leads to forget when they’re getting excited about the next shiny tool.  

And speaking of shiny tools, we also welcome the recognition that innovation isn’t just shoe-horning the latest trend or product into an existing service. It can mean being open to changing processes, recognising that many were built around the historic limitations of technology or working practises which simply no longer exist. Suppliers are key here – the civil service should rarely be testing out “bleeding-edge” solutions, but instead taking maturing products and trying them out in a public service context.  

Doing this effectively requires some investment from suppliers – so the commitment in the Playbook to publishing 18-month commercial pipelines has the potential to be transformational. It’ll be interesting to see whether these stick during these tumultuous political times; nobody who deals with the public sector will underestimate how difficult even medium-term planning can be. 

Risk appetite also matters. Exploring innovative techniques means being open and honest about the fact that sometimes things don’t work, or don’t work as expected. The delivery environment for both the civil service and suppliers makes this very difficult to manage – but not at all impossible. Again, the playbook is both refreshingly honest, and sensible about this: “While it may be thought that an aversion to risk may be the best way to achieve value for money for the public, this can actually prevent us from taking advantage of new opportunities that represent better value in the long-term…”. Their commitment to outcome-focused contracts which set out the desired outcomes without specifying how to get there could help.  

Overall, there is a lot to do here to get things right; but also, some real, practical hope for the not-so-distant future.  

To read more from #techUKDigitalPS Week, check out our landing page here.

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Martine Clark is an experienced leader in data policy, strategy and analysis with over 15 years' Public Sector experience across business and IT Change programmes. Read more about this author here. To learn more about Methods Analytics, please visit their LinkedIn and Twitter.

On Tuesday 5 April, techUK was delighted to host the Cabinet Office and industry representatives for the launch event for the UK Government’s Digital, Data and Technology Sourcing Playbook which was published on 28 March 2022. The DDaT Sourcing Playbook sets out guidance – in one place – as to how digital projects and programmes are assessed, procured and delivered in central government departments, arms-length bodies and the wider public sector. Through the application of what is commercial best practice, the Playbook addresses 11 key policies and six cross-cutting priorities that will ensure government gets things right from the start when it comes to procurement.

You can watch the recording of the launch event in full here:

DDaT Playbook Launch Event

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