This event aims to facilitate meaningful discussions among responsible AI professionals. By providing a platform for topic proposals and group discussions, attendees will have the opportunity to exchange insights, address challenges, and foster collaboration in the field of ethical AI. 

Finding popularity in the Tech sector in the mid-nineties, Unconference formats represented a move away from formal conferences with attendees given the freedom to create the event they wanted. This will be a participant-driven event.  

Unlike traditional conferences, there's no predetermined agenda – We will be asking participants to suggest topics on the day. With some topics of interest including 'what is the most robust AI assurance technique?' 'Ranking the key blockers when operationalising AI ethics' and unpacking some of the ethical considerations related to driverless cars. 

Ultimately, this will allow attendees to discuss some of the most significant and timely digital ethics issues facing us today This format will facilitate the exploration of diverse subjects; fostering creativity, peer-to-peer learning, and tackling rapidly changing areas of interest in ethical AI. It is an opportunity to build connections with those working in the field and engage in knowledge-sharing and collaborative problem-solving. 

This event is tailored for responsible AI practitioners, including techUK’s Digital Ethics Working Group and the wider digital ethics ecosystem for this inaugural gathering. 

Join us to connect with fellow responsible AI practitioners across the digital ethics ecosystem. Whether you're looking to learn from others' experiences, contribute your insights, or expand your professional network, this event provides a unique opportunity to connect and collaborate within the digital ethics community. 

For more information and to share your interest, please contact [email protected]