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SME Guidance

All the latest guidance for SMEs including support for transitioning to Net Zero and information on the Modern Slavery Act.


Net Zero

In this paper, techUK outlines the case for adopting a carbon commitment, the key steps companies should consider when setting a target, sets out some easy wins to tackle common carbon hotspots and points to further trusted guidance and support.


Modern Slavery

In this guide we set out why addressing modern slavery is important, some of the common modern slavery risks that exist in supply chains and operations and provide advice on how to mitigate these risks and report progress. A list of resources for companies seeking to develop policies or wanting to learn more is also included.


SME Selling to Government Guide

The Selling to Government guide includes advice on where to find opportunities through Contracts Finder and Find a Tender (FTS) and what payment terms to expect. It also includes top tips for tendering and signposts to further support for SMEs.


Doing Business with the Public Sector

This interactive PDF offers practical guidance for small and medium sized companies who want to do more business with the UK public sector.


Safety by Design

Understand how preventative design measures can reduce the risk of harms happening on your online platform.


One Stop-Shop for Child Online Safety

The official one-stop shop for businesses on child online safety. It summarises key measures you should take to protect children on your platform.

Get in touch to learn more: 

Ed Bevan

Head of SME Engagement, techUK

Ed is Head of SME Engagement and is responsible for shaping techUK’s proposition to our SMEs across the country, ensuring our policy work, market access activity and services benefit the SME community.

Prior to working at techUK, Ed worked in the at the Department for International Trade, engaging with a variety of businesses, particularly SMEs, to understand the benefits of Free Trade Agreements and act as case studies in press and social media. Ed has also worked in policy and public affairs within the voluntary sector, namely the Alzheimer’s Society and the Men’s Health Forum.

Ed holds a MA in International Relations from Leiden University, and in his spare time enjoys spending time with his son, travelling, and visiting historical sites.

[email protected]

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Cyber Innovation Den | 24 September deadline

Cyber Security Dinner and Innovation Den 2024.jpg


Want to be techUK's Cyber Innovator of the Year?

Apply by Tuesday, 24 September or join us to watch SMEs and start-ups pitch their innovations to expert judges - book your spot now!