
Louis Barson

Louis Barson

Director for Science, Innovation and Skills, The Institute of Physics

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Carl Ennis

Carl Ennis

CEO, Siemens GB&I

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Helen Ewles

Helen Ewles

Head of Innovation, Analysis and Public Affairs, Royal Academy of Engineering

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Ilan Gur

Ilan Gur

CEO, Advanced Research and Invention Agency (ARIA)

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David Hewitt

David Hewitt

Executive Director, IBM UK & Ireland

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Spencer  Lamb

Spencer Lamb

Chief Commercial Officer, Kao Data

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Professor Dame Ottoline Leyser

Professor Dame Ottoline Leyser

Chief Executive of UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) and Regius Professor of Botany at the University of Cambridge. ,

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Doug Loewe

Doug Loewe

CEO, Kao Data

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Steve MacLaren

Steve MacLaren

Chief Operating Officer, National Robotarium

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Tom Newby

Tom Newby

Head of the UK Office for Quantum Technologies, Department for Science, Innovation and Technology.

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Cami Rincon

Cami Rincon

Senior Researcher, The Ada Lovelace Institute

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Peter Stephens

Peter Stephens

Director of Government Partnerships, UK, ARM

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Agnes Wamagui

Agnes Wamagui

Knowledge Transfer Manager - Robotics, Innovate UK Business Connect

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Dr Vicki Williams

Dr Vicki Williams

Policy and Partnerships (Creative Technologies), CoSTAR Foresight Lab

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Gareth Workman

Gareth Workman

Chief AI Officer, Kainos

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Dr Christina Yan Zhang

Dr Christina Yan Zhang

CEO and Founder, The Metaverse Institute

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