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Women in Tech

techUK is marching forward to close the tech gender gap in 2023. Throughout March, coinciding with International Women’s Day (IWD 2023) on 8 March, we are exploring how we embrace equitable workplaces. The UN’s theme for IWD 2023 focuses on Digital for All or DigitALL, and we are proud to support this.


techUK's Women in Tech campaign has been featured in The Guardian 

techUK's President, Sheila Flavell CBE, is as passionate as techUK for diversity and inclusion. In this article Sheila highlights the need for organisation transparency and role models to bridge the gender gap.

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Join our tech community!

Our members develop strong networks, build meaningful partnerships and grow their businesses as we all work together to create a thriving environment where industry, government and stakeholders come together to realise the positive outcomes tech can deliver.

Find out more here.


We invited members to contribute to this month-long campaign with blogs as an aim to spark a discussion on actions that both government and industry need to take towards the normative and societal good of equal representation in the sector, including: supporting women returners, career switchers and progression in the industry, exploring the impact of flexible working, gender pay gaps, and the impact of automation on women.



SME Member of the Week

Based on a monthly theme, every week we select and highlight one of our SME members in order to demonstrate their accomplishments. For March's SME Member of the Week, we are showcasing how SME members are supporting gender diversity in their businesses.


Interview Series

In these interview series we give voice to our tech community of gender diversity allies to call out the bias, expose the barriers for women in tech and spotlight the importance of a diverse tech future through their own experience. 

Click the images below to read the interviews in full! 

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The techUK Podcast 

Female tech leaders in justice and policing

A really inspiring discussion with three women, from different backgrounds – some which chose this career path and others which fell into it. Their roles, enabling them to really make a difference, urging the next generation to have open conversations, to be inquisitive about differences and understand the value of a diverse workforce. The more diversity you have in any group, the more choices you have, the more opinions – so the better it will be. We need more women, both in tech and law enforcement. We also need more male allies!

techUK · The techUK Podcast - Female Tech Leaders In Justice And Policing Not IF You Can, But HOW You Can


Video Series

'"What are the barriers to enter tech?" and "How are you supporting gender diversity in your business?" are some of the questions that we asked our stakeholders and members to reflect on. 

Click the images below to watch each video. 

WiT Laura

The lack of women and girls voices in emerging technologies

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How is PDMS supporting diversity and equality?

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Empowering young women in STEM fields

Mark Logan WiT

A new approach for women in entrepreneurship


Talking 5 

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For more information please contact:

Join our tech community!

Our members develop strong networks, build meaningful partnerships and grow their businesses as we all work together to create a thriving environment where industry, government and stakeholders come together to realise the positive outcomes tech can deliver.

Find out more here.


Cyber Innovation Den | 24 September deadline

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Want to be techUK's Cyber Innovator of the Year?

Apply by Tuesday, 24 September or join us to watch SMEs and start-ups pitch their innovations to expert judges - book your spot now!