27 Oct 2021

The path forward for consolidating the commercialisation of Quantum Technologies in Europe

QuIC Executive Director, Dr. Thierry Botter writes about fostering collaboration in Europe alongside his presentation in techUK's International Collaboration Webinar. Part of techUK's Quantum Week. #QuantumFuture

Many companies are striving to develop quantum solutions capable of addressing existing and future problems that are impossible to solve using traditional means. Each has its own team of experts and business leaders, its own know-how and capabilities, and its own ambition to become a major force in the industry of tomorrow. But all share a common set of challenges that need to be overcome in order for this technology revolution to fully take hold.

Since the start of the Quantum Technology Flagship in 2018, more attention has been given at bridging the valley of death that separate the scientific research and the actual market. The support from this programme in combination with each national effort has allowed to move many of the potentially disruptive innovations up the Technologies Readiness Level scale. In spite of these, the level of commercialisation of QT in Europe is lacking in comparison to the US, and China. Indeed, the commercialisation of quantum technologies requires success on many fronts beyond the technologies themselves. Examples include a sustained demand for quantum solutions, a skilled and broad workforce, a reliable supply chain of parts and services, industry-wide standards, and a favourable environment to export and import quantum capabilities. Commercial success does not merely rest on the shoulders of each company pursuing quantum solutions. And yet it cannot be solely guided by the policy makers; it is a collective undertaking and the involvement of the companies that are fighting to bridge the commercialisation gap is essential, since no one better then them can identify the issues that need to be addressed. The European Quantum Industry Consortium (QuIC) unites these forces to achieve commercial success for the entire industry, by allowing the industry to identify the problem that hinder the commercialisation of QT.

QuIC is Europe’s largest and most influential non-profit association dedicated to establishing a thriving commercial quantum ecosystem. It brings together a large array of stakeholders, including large companies, small and medium enterprises (SMEs), startups, investors, research and technology organisations (RTOs), and others, to collaborate on topics of common interest. From a group of 14 founding members earlier this year, QuIC continues to grow and is today composed of more than 135 members from across the European continent, including Norway, the UK, Switzerland and Israel. Its members collectively span the broad landscape of quantum solutions – computing, communication, sensing and metrology, and enabling technologies – and have a combined public and private value in the trillions of euros.

QuIC, through its working groups (WG), aims at identifying the solutions needed to address the commercialisation problems that affect the European market. For instance, one of the first outputs with a direct impact on the status of the QT commercialisation will be the Strategic Industry Roadmap, which QuIC will share with the European Commission in the next months. This document will lay a clear path for the industry as a whole and will be crucial at identify all the current and future bottlenecks. Another working group focuses on the creation of a QT ecosystem with the aim of connecting start-ups and SMES to Venture capital. Also, the lack of standardisation could be a limiting factor for reacting the full potential of the European market: QuIC members define their needs and collaborate with standardisation bodies and policy makers.

There are of course other topics which are vital to the success of the QT, such as the creation of a quantum-aware workforce and an adequate IP protection, which are also addressed by QuIC working groups.

QuIC also works together with international associations and like-minded industry groups from other regions of the world to address common hurdles and create a favourable environment for these new commercial realisations to thrive and serve as a positive force for societies.

For quantum solutions to become a durable part of our technological future, achievements beyond the early demonstrations of ‘quantum advantage’ over classical means is necessary. An entirely new business environment needs to be established. QuIC serves as a collaborative hub to help create and mold such a fruitful quantum landscape.

Quantum Commercialisation Week

Click here to read more insights published during techUK's Quantum Commercialisation Week

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Rory Daniels

Rory Daniels

Senior Programme Manager, Emerging Technologies

Rory joined techUK in June 2023 after three years in the Civil Service on its Fast Stream leadership development programme.

During this time, Rory worked on the Government's response to Covid-19 (NHS Test & Trace), school funding strategy (Department for Education) and international climate and nature policy (Cabinet Office). He also tackled the social care crisis whilst on secondment to techUK's Health and Social Care programme in 2022.

Before this, Rory worked in the House of Commons and House of Lords alongside completing degrees in Political Economy and Global Politics.

Today, Rory leads techUK's emerging technologies activity across everything from immersive, web3, AI and robotics to space, gaming & metaverse.

This involves co-running techUK's flagship Innovation campaign, managing four series (including the 'Meet the Innovators' interview series), and launching 4-6-month 'sprint campaigns' on transformative technologies and sectors.

[email protected]

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Laura Foster

Laura Foster

Associate Director - Technology and Innovation, techUK

Laura is techUK’s Associate Director for Technology and Innovation.

She supports the application and expansion of emerging technologies, including Quantum Computing, High-Performance Computing, AR/VR/XR and Edge technologies, across the UK. As part of this, she works alongside techUK members and UK Government to champion long-term and sustainable innovation policy that will ensure the UK is a pioneer in science and technology

Before joining techUK, Laura worked internationally as a conference researcher and producer covering enterprise adoption of emerging technologies. This included being part of the strategic team at London Tech Week.

Laura has a degree in History (BA Hons) from Durham University, focussing on regional social history. Outside of work she loves reading, travelling and supporting rugby team St. Helens, where she is from.

[email protected]

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Elis Thomas

Elis Thomas

Programme Manager, Tech and Innovation, techUK

Elis joined techUK in December 2023 as a Programme Manager for Tech and Innovation, focusing on AI, Semiconductors and Digital ID.

He previously worked at an advocacy group for tech startups, with a regional focus on Wales. This involved policy research on innovation, skills and access to finance.

Elis has a Degree in History, and a Masters in Politics and International Relations from the University of Winchester, with a focus on the digitalisation and gamification of armed conflicts.

[email protected]

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