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Future of compute

techUK works with our members to explore how we can develop our compute ecosystem and leverage this crucial group of technologies to support the UK’s ambitions as a science and technology superpower.

The UK's Future of Compute Review is published

The Future of Compute Review has been published alongside a £900 million commitment towards additional exascale and AI compute resource. But what does this mean for the UK - and what is the opportunity?

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Welcome to techUK's Future of Compute Week 2022

Industry Views

Future of Compute

To unleash Britain's potential in science and technology we need to invest in the future of compute - and we need to invest now

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Quantum computing has been identified as a key emerging and transformative technology that will have an impact on the UK’s long term digital and economic future.

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Artificial Intelligence

To ensure the UK remains a world-leader in AI, techUK aims to maximise the value and adoption of the technology, whilst mitigating the risks.

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Cloud Computing

Cloud computing is a key driver of the UK’s data-driven economy, with cloud-based platforms, infrastructure and services supporting UK businesses across every industry and sector.

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Elis Thomas

Elis Thomas

Programme Manager, Tech and Innovation, techUK

Laura Foster

Laura Foster

Associate Director - Technology and Innovation, techUK

Rory Daniels

Rory Daniels

Senior Programme Manager, Emerging Technologies



Cyber Innovation Den | 24 September deadline

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Want to be techUK's Cyber Innovator of the Year?

Apply by Tuesday, 24 September or join us to watch SMEs and start-ups pitch their innovations to expert judges - book your spot now!